Reading, writing, and manipulating tabular data: polars

This part of the course is inspired by the Polars Getting Started Guide.

Polars is a programming library for reading, writing, and manipulating tabular data. It is a fast and efficient library that is written in Rust and has so-called Python bindings which offer the ability to use it from within Python code. For this and the following chapter, we first create a micromamba environment that contains the necessary software tools. Create the file envs/pystats.yaml with the following content:

  - conda-forge
  - python =3.11
  - polars =1.1
  - altair =5.3
  - altair_saver =0.5
  - vegafusion =1.6
  - vegafusion-python-embed =1.6
  - vl-convert-python =1.5
  - vega_datasets =0.9
  - ipykernel =6.29
  - scipy =1.14


Now create a new micromamba environment named pystats from this file.

THe following steps are inspired by the official getting started guide of Polars.

Step 1: Setup the notebook

First, create a new file notebook.ipynb under chapters/polars and open it in VSCode. In the opened notebook, select the pystats environment as the kernel with the button on the top right.

Step 2: Creating a dataframe from scratch

We can create a dataframe from scratch by using the pl.DataFrame constructor. In the first cell of the notebook, we import relevant modules:

import polars as pl
from datetime import date

The first line imports the Polars library and provides it as a shorthand alias pl. The second line imports the datetime module from the Python standard library. This module allows us to define dates.

Then, we create a second cell with the following content:

df = pl.DataFrame(
        "a": [1, 2, 3],
        "b": [
            date(2019, 1, 1),
            date(2021, 1, 2),
            date(2023, 1, 3),
        "c": [4.0, 5.0, 6.0],
        "d": ["a", "b", "c"],

The dictionary passed to the pl.DataFrame constructor contains the column names as keys and lists of values as values.

Step 3: Inspecting the dataframe

By simply ending the cell with the variable name, the dataframe is shown below the cell.

Step 4: Reading and writing data frames

Polars supports reading and writing data frames from and to various file formats. Let us write the dataframe df to a CSV file:


And subsequently read it back:

df2 = pl.read_csv("data.csv")

Step 5: Comparing data frames

We can compare two data frames by using the equals method:


Step 6: Expressions

Polars offers four central ways to manipulate data frames:

  • select: select and manipulate columns, replacing the existing ones

  • with_columns: select and manipulate columns, adding new ones

  • filter: filter rows based on conditions

  • groupby: group rows based on conditions

All of these take one or more expressions as arguments. Thereby, the semantic of the expressions depends on the context.

Step 7: Selecting data

Let us select something in the example dataframe df:
    pl.col("a") * 2,
    pl.col("d").map_elements(lambda s: s + "x", return_dtype=str),

The first expression multiplies the values in column a by 2. The second expression appends an x to each value in column d. Returned is the modified dataframe with just the two columns.

Expressions in the select or with_columns context produce so-called Series, which represent columns of the dataframe. Both operations can contain multiple expressions, which may yield either single (scalar) values or series that have the same length as the dataframe has rows. In the mixed case, the scalar values are broadcasted (i.e. repeated) to the number of rows.


The sum method of expressions computes the sum of all values in a column, which is obviously a single value. Extend above selection by an additional expression that computes the sum of column c. See how the value is broadcasted to all rows because the other expressions are row-wise.

Select can also be used to remove columns from the dataframe:"*").exclude("c", "d"))


What is the meaning of the individual elements of this statement?

While select limits the returned dataframe to the queried columns, with_columns adds new columns or replaces exising ones:

    (pl.col("a") * 2).alias("a_times_two"),
    pl.col("d").map_elements(lambda s: s + "x", return_dtype=str).alias("d_with_x"),

The alias method that expressions offer allows to assign a reasonable name to the resulting columns. If we would omit the alias invocations, the expressions would modify their columns.

Step 8: Filtering data

Expressions in the filter context have to produce a boolean series that has the same length as the dataframe has rows. The rows for which the series is True are kept, while the others are removed.

Let us filter the dataframe df to keep only the rows where the value in column c is at least 5.0:

df.filter(pl.col("c") >= 5.0)

Step 9: Accessing individual items

The item method of dataframes returns an individual value, in particular if the dataframe has only one row and column. In combination with select and filter this allows to access individual items in the dataframe. Let us select the value in the a column where the d column contains the value b:

df.filter(pl.col("d") == "b").select(pl.col("a")).item()


The is_between method of expressions allows to filter for values that fall in a specific range. Look up its usage in the Polars API docs. Use it to filter for the row where the column b is between the beginning of 2020 (date(2020, 1, 1)) and the beginning of 2022 (date(2022, 1, 1)). This should be a single row. Obtain the value of the column c from that row.

Step 10: Grouping data

Let us first append some additional data to our dataframe:

extended_df = df.vstack(
            "a": [5, 1, 2],
            "b": [
                date(2021, 1, 1),
                date(2019, 1, 2),
                date(2023, 1, 3),
            "c": [None, 1.1, 2.0],
            "d": ["a", "a", "c"],


  1. What is the meaning and implication of the None in the c column?

  2. Display the resulting dataframe in the variable extended_df in your notebook.

Grouping of data can be useful to e.g. calculate summary statistics per group. Let us group extended_df by the values in column d and calculate the mean of column a per group:



  1. What happens with the the None value in column c?

  2. Now, group by the year. For this purpose, first add a new column (using with_columns) that holds the year of each row, derived from column b. For this purpose, polars offers a special subset of expressions that perform operations on date or time objects, accessible by the attribute dt, see the docs. Assign a reasonable name for this column. Then, group by the year, and calculate the minimum value of column a per group (use the expression method min() for this).