The terminal

The terminal is a powerful tool that allows you to interact with your computer via text commands. It can be used to automate tasks, invoke software, and perform various other operations. For this course, we just use the terminal to invoke other software.

To open the terminal in VSCode, click on the “Terminal” menu and select “New Terminal”.

Filesystem operations

Within the terminal, you can first of all conduct operations that are equivalent to what you can do with a file manager. You can list the files and folders in the current directory by typing:


Most commands of the terminal have additional options, which can be viewed via adding the --help option.

ls --help

displays all the options just the simple ls command supports, nicely illustrating the power of the terminal. With the mkdir command (for “make directory”), you can create a new directory.

mkdir new_directory

With the cd command (for “change directory”), you can navigate to other directories.

cd new_directory

navigates to the directory new_directory.


  1. Navigate to new_directory.

  2. List the contents of the directory. It should be empty.

  3. Navigate back to the parent directory (cd accepts the special parameter .. for this purpose).

The command rm can be used to remove files and directories. Attention, it does so permanently, without moving them into a trash bin! By default rm refuses to remove directories. To remove a directory, you have to add the option -r (for “recursive”), which tells rm to remove all files and subdirectories.

rm -r new_directory

removes the directory new_directory. Do this now.

Performing such filesystem operations in the terminal can be much quicker than doing so via a graphical file manager. Moreover, it is often easier to automate such operations in the terminal. For example, you could write a terminal command that removes all files in a directory that are older than a certain date or that start with a certain prefix. In this course, we will however limit our interaction with the terminal to invoking software (also called command line tools) with certain parameters.